Spletne povezave s področja statistike
- Elektronske publikacije
- Slovarji, biografije
Statistične metode
- Bayes linear methods
- Bootstrap (J.MacKinnon)
- Coefficient Kappa (FRA)
- Conjoint Analysis
- EM based MIXture analysis
- EXACT-STATS mailing list
- Entropy and Inequality (G.Kluge)
- Exact Parametric Methods (X-Techniques)
- Factor Scores - Computing and Evaluating
- Functional Data Analysis
- Functional Data Analysis, CP, TDDE (H.-G.Mueller)
- Gary King (WhatIf,MatchIt,Zelig,ReLogit,Amelia,...)
- Independent Component Analysis
- Matching Records without Common Keys (SAS)
- Metode za analizo socialnih omrezij
- Mixture Modelling
- Quantile Regression (R.Koenker)
- ROC Curves
- Salford Systems Whitepapers
- Taguchi Methods (P.Apte)
- Statistično svetovanje
- Prostorska statistika in geostatistika
- Statistika v genetiki
- Programje
- UPSP Statistika
Elektronske knjige
- A New View of Statistics
- Categorical Data Analysis lecture notes
- Correspondence Analysis
- Data Analysis with Epi Info
- Electronic Statistics Textbook
- Engineering Statistics Handbook (NIST)
- Guide to Digital Signal Processing
- HyperStat Online
- Little Handbook of Statistical Practice
- Loglinear models & logistic regression
- Manuale di statistica (L.Soliani)
- Probability and Statistics for Biological Sciences (BCIT)
- ReliaSoft webull.com - System Analysis Reference
- ReliaSoft weibull.com - Accelerated Life Testing Reference
- ReliaSoft weibull.com - Life Data Analysis Reference
- ReliaSoft weibull.com - Reliability Growth Reference
- Social Research Methods Resources (W.M.K.Trochim)
- StatPrimer
- Statistical Forecasting
- Statistical Methos in Water Resources
- SticiGui
- Virtual Labs in Probability & Statistics
- curvefit.com guide to nonlinear regression
- Amazing Applications of Probability and Statistics
- B-Course
- B.Weaver
- D.Goldsman (OR, simulation, math.stat.)
- G.Ridgeway
- H.Arsham
- Interpreting Diagnostic Tests (T.G.Tape)
- Introductory Statistics EPR Approach
- J.M.Bland
- Neg. Conseq. of Dichotomizing Continuous Predictors
- S. Weisberg
- T.Minka (Visualization, Statistical learning, DM)
- Web Interface for Statistics Education
- Programje
- Programska koda
Specializirani programi
- ADE-4
- ER & EED
- Epi Info
- EpiData
- Gretl
- Jsoftware
- Matrixer
- Method Validation Data Analysis Tool Kit
- Multiple imputation software
- Pajek
- Power & sample-size Java applets
- Power & sample-size for clinical trials
- Resampling Stats
- Resampling Stats by Statistics101
- SWOGSC Statools
- Saaty (AHP)
- SapMaker
- TDA - Transition Data Analysis
- TETRAD Project
- Tablas 2x2 (UGranada
- UvT Statistische software
- WebDOE
- WinReg
- aML Multiprocess Multilevel Modeling
- Spletno programje
- Splošni programski paketi
Statistika z Excelom
- ASSUME mailing list
- AltRegression, SampleCalc (P.Tryfos)
- DE Histograms
- Excel 2003 Statistical Functions Improvements
- Excel Instructions (J.Malone)
- F.Cinquegrani Office Software
- Kipling (nonparametric regression and classification)
- Process Trends
- Simetar
- Simtools & book (R.B.Myerson)
- TreePlan, SensIt, RiskSim (M.Middleton)
- Visulab
- WinSTAT for MS Excel
- statistiXL
Vizualizacija podatkov
- Dejavne spletne strani
- Naravoslovno-tehnična vizualizacija
- ADVIZOR Solutions Inc.
- BROWSER - a tool for time-series exploration
- CSpace
- ColorBrewer
- Data Visualization with Web Standards
- GGobi
- GraPL
- ILOG Discovery
- InfoVis Toolkit
- OpenDX
- Polaris Database and Data Cube Visualization
- RoSuDa Augsburg (CASSAT, KLIMT, Mondrian ...)
- Spotfire - Interactive, Visual Analysis
- Tableau Software
- TimeSearcher - Visual Exploration of Time-Series Data
- TreeView
- Treemap
- ViDaExpert
- VisuMap (Relational Perspective Map)
- Visual Analytics Inc.
- XmdvTool
- parvis parallel coordinates visualisation
- prefuse interactive information visualization toolkit
- A new course on statistical graphics (S.Cook)
- Antony Unwin
- Chart of the Week
- DBVIS (Uni. Konstanz - D.Heim)
- Design ideas for management information reports (M.Leitch)
- Dr. Yu, Chong Ho (Alex)
- Dynamic Statistical Data Exploration C2
- EIA Guidelines for Statistical Graphs
- Edward Tufte and Graphics Press
- GMU Lecture Notes (E.Wegman)
- Gallery of Data Visualization (M.Friendly)
- Ian Spence
- InfoVisWiki
- Information Visualization course (T.Munzner)
- Infovis Lab (K.Borner)
- Lab for Information Visualization (ISS, AcademiaSinica)
- Leland Wilkinson
- PNNL Infoviz
- Perceptual Edge (S.Few)
- Pictures of Numbers
- Presenting Data (G.Klass)
- R Graph Gallery
- Robert Allison's SAS-Graph Examples
- Smartdoc project
- Sparklines theory and practice (E.Tufte)
- Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter
- Statistics 120 - Information Visualisation (R.Ihaka)
- The Dashboard Spy
- Trellis Display
- Uni Konstanz HCI
- VRVis Vienna
- Visualization and Optimization (C.V.Jones)
- Visualization in the Earth Sciences at Penn State
- WPI - SpiralGlyphics
- WikiViz (R.Mazza)
- e-Viz Project
- ggplot & reshape (H.Wickham)
Zbirni viri
- A.F. Hayes (SPSS macros for resamp., moder.-mediat. & WLS)
- ADP (Arhiv druzboslovnih podatkov)
- Applied Regression Including Computing & Graphics
- Archives of Statistics Fun (G.Ramseyer)
- Bayesian Inference for the Physical Sciences
- Biostatistics at Vanderbilt
- Burns Statistics
- Common Probability Distributions
- Dr. Wuensch's Statistical Help Page
- EuroMISE center
- Free Statistical Software
- Google Groups - MedStats
- HP of A.G.McDowell
- HP of Henry Bottomley
- Institute for Objective Measurement (Rasch)
- Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages
- John Snow - a historical giant in epidemiology
- Lehrstuhl für Stochastik (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- MatStat (Stats Education, ANOVA SS)
- Mir S. Siadaty (logreg for MA, POR model, R)
- Multiple Imputation Online
- Practical Statistics
- Radical Statistics Group
- Raynald's SPSS Tools
- Recurrence Plots
- SPSS Algorithms (HRZ der JLU Giessen)
- SPSS Experts
- SPSS Help Archive - D.Nichols
- SPSS macros
- Second Moment
- Stat & Stat Grap Resources
- StatTalk
- Statistical Resources (UMichigan)
- Statistical Software - Dirk Enzmann's gimmicks
- Statisticno drustvo Slovenije
- Statistics - Econometrics - Forecasting (Xycoon)
- Summary of Survey Analysis Software
- The Data and Story Library
- TimeWeb
- UVanderbilt Biostatistics
- UWashington Statistics
- statistics.com
- wavelet.org
Podatkovno rudarjenje in odkrivanje znanja v podatkovnih zbirkah
Elektronske publikacije
- Cubist - Illustrative Examples
- Cubist - Overview
- Data Mining & CRM (K.Thearling)
- Data Mining & KDD Biblio (A.Pryke)
- Data Mining - Introduction (QUB)
- Data Mining - Student Notes (QUB)
- French Data Mining Portal
- J.H.Friedman
- Jnl of Machine Learning Research
- KDD & DM FA Papers (J.Han)
- KDD Course (H.J.Hamilton)
- PSB On-Line Proceedings
- R.Agrawal Publications
- SIGKDD Explorations
- See5 - Informal Tutorial
- See5 - Sample Applications
- StatLog Book
- Statistical Data Mining (E.J.Wegman)
- Statistical Data Mining Tutorials (A.Moore)
- Statistics & DM Intersecting (ResearchIndex)
- FRI in Institut Jožef Stefan - Inteligentni sistemi, umetna inteligentnost
- Adaptive Logic Networks
- Artificial Intelligence Depot
- AutoClass C
- BaseGroup Lab (Ryazan)
- Bayesian Belief Network Software
- Bayesian Knowledge Discovery (KMI OU)
- Chameleon Statistics
- Clustan
- DM II System
- DTREG Decision Tree Analysis Program
- Data Miners
- Data Mining Online MSc & Cert (CCSU)
- Data Warehousing Info Center
- GMDH method
- Genetic Algorithm & Programming Intro
- Genetic Algorithms Intro & Applets
- GhostMiner
- Heuristics & AI in finance & investment
- KDnuggets
- Kernel Machines
- KnowledgeMiner
- MS WinMine Toolkit
- Megaputer Intelligence
- Microarray software comparison
- Miner3D
- PhilBrierley.com (Tiberius)
- Robust Bayesian Classifier
- SQL Server Data Mining
- Salford Systems
- Stuttgart NN Simulator
- Support Vector Machines
- TANAGRA (R.Rakotomalala)
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Weka Machine Learning Project
- YALE - Yet Another Learning Environment
Elektronske publikacije
Stran zasnoval in vzdržuje: Gaj Vidmar
Datum zadnje spremembe: 2.11.2006