

The package can be downloaded from the CRAN project site.

Contact, e-mail, links

The package maintainer is Maja Pohar Perme (maja.pohar at )

Please send reports on any possible bugs. Also, feel free to comment or ask questions (preferably after you browse through the help given on these pages).

The project is developed at the Institute of Biostatistics and Medical InformaticsInstitute of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Visit the homepage of our Biostatistical centre for more information on our research.

Package changes

Version 1.6.2: the new relative survival estimator is included in the rs.surv function (method="pohar-perme", default), its variance formula has
been corrected, interactions in rsadd should now work.

Na kratko o IBMI

Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko (IBMI), prej Inštitut za biomedicinsko informatiko (torej tudi IBMI), je Medicinska fakulteta ustanovila leta 1973 kot izraz potrebe po izvajanju in usklajevanju del, vezanih na analizo podatkov in posredovanje informacij. Program dela in razvoja se je skozi čas prilagajal predvsem spremembam pri financiranju in tehnološkemu napredku, vendar so temeljne smernice ostale enake: inštitut se predvsem posveča dejavnostim, ki so pomembne za raziskovalno delo v medicini. Te pa lahko razdelimo na:


Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko
Medicinska fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

tel: (01) 543-77-70
fax: (01) 543-77-71
email: ibmi (at)