Janez Stare

  • ALOTAIBI, Refah, FIACCONE, Rosemeire, HENDERSON, Robin, STARE, Janez. Explained variation for recurrent event data. Biometrical journal, ISSN 0323-3847, 2015, (doi)
  • BLAGUS, Rok, LESKOŠEK, Branimir, STARE, Janez. Comparison of bibliometric measures for assessing relative importance of researchers. Scientometrics, ISSN 0138-9130, 2015, (doi)
  • MAUCORT-BOULCH, Delphine, ROY, Pascal, STARE, Janez. On a measure of information gain for regression models in survival analysis. Journal of applied statistics, ISSN 0266-4763, Dec. 2014, vol. 41, no. 12, str.
    2696-2708, (doi)
  • STARE, Janez, KEJŽAR, Nataša. On standardization of the activity index. Journal of informetrics, ISSN 1751-1577, Jul. 2014, vol. 8, iss. 3, str. 503-507, (doi).
  • POHAR PERME, Maja, STARE, Janez, ESTEVE, Jacques. On estimation in relative survival. Biometrics, 2011. (doi)n (PDF The definitive version is available at onlinelibrary.wiley.com.)
  • STARE, Janez, POHAR PERME, Maja, HENDERSON, Robin. A measure of explained variation for event history data. Biometrics, 2011 (PDF), (doi)
  • POHAR PERME, Maja, HENDERSON, Robin, STARE, Janez. An approach to estimation in relative survival regression. Biostat. (Oxf. Print), 2009, letn. 10, št. 1, str. 136-146.
  • POHAR PERME, Maja, STARE, Janez. Making relative survival analysis relatively easy. Comput. biol. med.. [Print ed.], 2007, letn. 37, št. 12, str. 1741-1749.
  • POHAR, Maja, STARE, Janez. Relative survival analysis in R. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2006, letn. 81, št. 3, str. 272-278.
  • STARE, Janez, POHAR, Maja, HENDERSON, Robin. Goodness of fit of relative survival models. Statistics in Medicine, 2005, letn. 24, št. 24, str. 3911-3925.
  • O'QUIGLEY, John, XU, Ronghui, STARE, Janez. Explained randomness in proportional hazards models. Statistics in Medicine, 2005, letn. 24, št. 3, str. 479-489.
  • STARE, Janez, HENDERSON, Robin, POHAR, Maja. An individual measure of relative survival. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, 2005, letn. 54, št. 1, str. 115-126.
  • STARE, Janez, O'QUIGLEY, John. Fit and frailties in proportional hazards regression. Biometrical Journal, 2004, letn. 46, št. 2, str. 157-164.
  • O'QUIGLEY, John, STARE, Janez. Cumulative empirical processes for survival models. V: BUDIN, L., LUZAR-STIFFLER, V., Bekić, Z., et al. (ur.). ITI 2003: proceedings of the 25th international conference on Information technology interfaces, 2003, June 16-19, Cavcat. Zagreb: SRCE, University of Zagreb, 2003, str. 205-210.
  • O'QUIGLEY, John, STARE, Janez. Proportional hazards models with frailties and random effects. Statistics in Medicine, 2002, letn. 21, št. 21, str. 3219-3233.
  • HEINZL, Herald, STARE, Janez, MITTLBÖCK, Martina. A measure of dependence for the stratified Cox proportional hazards regression model. Biometrical Journal, 2002, letn. 44, št. 6, str. 671-682.
  • HENDERSON, Robin, JONES, Margaret, STARE, Janez. Accuracy of point predictions in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 2001, letn. 20, št. 20, str. 3083-3096.
  • STARE, Janez, HARRELL, Frank E., HEINZL, Harald. BJ: an S-Plus program to fit linear regression models to censored data using the Buckley-James method. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2001, letn. 64, str. 45-52.
  • STARE, Janez, HEINZL, Harald, HARRELL, Frank. On the use of Buckley and James least squares regression for survival data. V: FERLIGOJ, Anuška, MRVAR, Andrej (ur.). New approaches in applied statistics (Metodološki zvezki, 16) . Ljubljana: FDV, 2000, str. 125-134.
  • STARE, Janez. Relativno tveganje in razmerje obetov. Zdravniški vestnik, 1998, let. 67, št. 5, str. 297-299.
  • SCHEMPER, M., STARE, Janez. Explained variation in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 1996, let. 15, str. 1999-2012.
  • STARE, Janez. On choosing a measure of explained variation for Cox models. V: FERLIGOJ, Anuška, KRAMBERGER, Anton (ur.). Developments in data analysis: proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis and Data Collection, Bled, Slovenia, September 19 - 21, 1994 (Metodološki zvezki, 12) . Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 1996, str. 49-62.
  • STARE, Janez. Some properties of R2 in ordinary least squares regression. V: FERLIGOJ, Anuška, KRAMBERGER, Anton (ur.). Contributions to methodology and statistics: proceedings of the International Conference on Statistics and Methodology, Bled, Slovenia, September 13 - 15, 1993 (Metodološki zvezki, 10) . Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 1995, str. 133-145.

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Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko (IBMI), prej Inštitut za biomedicinsko informatiko (torej tudi IBMI), je Medicinska fakulteta ustanovila leta 1973 kot izraz potrebe po izvajanju in usklajevanju del, vezanih na analizo podatkov in posredovanje informacij. Program dela in razvoja se je skozi čas prilagajal predvsem spremembam pri financiranju in tehnološkemu napredku, vendar so temeljne smernice ostale enake: inštitut se predvsem posveča dejavnostim, ki so pomembne za raziskovalno delo v medicini. Te pa lahko razdelimo na:


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