PREDAVANJE: Some Potentially Interesting Social Network and Statistical Puzzles
Naslednje predavanje v okviru biostatističnega centra bo v torek, 16.10.2012, ob 13:00 uri na IBMI. Predaval bo prof. dr. Patrick Doreian s Fakultete za družbene vede (Univerza v Ljubljani) in University of Pittsbourgh (ZDA).
There are some clusters of puzzles that are interesting and important. Taken together, they have the potential to be very important. The following puzzle clusters are discussed: i) inequality in football systems (measuring inequality when classical assumptions are abandoned and modeling predatory relations); ii) modeling social network evolution when actor (mis)perceptions are included; iii) addressing methodological problems for systems of interdependent actors (network autocorrelation and spatial autocorrelation issues) and extending this to include multiple types of actors; iv) building dynamic structural control models of social systems including a social network autocorrelation component; and v) coupling network structures to network contexts to design network structures for achieving outcomes.