Content analysis of mission statements in Slovenian public health institutions
In theory, a mission statement defines the purpose of an organization's existence and it’s closely related to its values. At the meeting we will introduce statistical methods used in analyzing the content of the mission statements of public health institutions (hospitals and health centers) of the Republic of Slovenia. With the help of text mining, we first extracted keywords from the content of mission statements and grouped them into dimensions using factor analysis.
Keywords in the mission statements of Slovenian health institutions can be also written as a matrix. In this way, we can interpret the problem from the perspective of two-mode networks. By multiplying such matrix and its transposed matrix, we obtain a one-mode keywords network (with a co-occurrence in health institutions as a relation) and / or a one-mode network of healthcare institutions (with the co-occurrence of keywords as a relation). In our talk, we will present the results of analyses of both networks after using some advanced analytical methods, such as the PathFinder algorithm.