
Our papers

  • Basic description of the package and the regression models available:

POHAR, Maja, STARE, Janez. Relative survival analysis in R. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2006, 81 (3): 272-278. PDF

  • Description of the methods, description of the package:

POHAR PERME, Maja, STARE, Janez. Making relative survival analysis relatively easy. Comput. biol. med., 2007, 37 (12): 1741-1749. PDF

  • The overall estimation of net survival - a description of all the available methods, a new proposal:

POHAR PERME, Maja, STARE, Janez, ESTEVE, Jacques. On Estimation of relative survival. Submitted to Biometrics (november 2010). PDF

  • Goodness of fit

STARE, Janez, POHAR, Maja, HENDERSON, Robin. Goodness of fit of relative survival models. Statistics in Medicine, 2005, 24 (24): 3911-3925. PDF

  • A semi-parametric additive model

POHAR PERME, Maja, HENDERSON, Robin, STARE, Janez. An approach to estimation in relative survival regression. Biostat. (Oxf. Print), 2009, 10 (1): 136-146. PDF, supplement

  • The idea of the individual relative survival

STARE, Janez, HENDERSON, Robin, POHAR, Maja. An individual measure of relative survival. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, 2005, 54 (1), 115-126. PDF

  • Description of all the methods, interpretation of the different model results

POHAR PERME, Maja, STARE, Janez, HENDERSON, Robin. Goodness of fit in relative survival regression. V: 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, 16-22 August 2009, Durban. Abstracts. Durban: Statistics South Africa, 2009, str. 170. PDF

The official manual


About IBMI

Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (IBMI), formerly Institute for BioMedical Informatics (so still IBMI) was founded by the Faculty of Medicine as a result of a need for a unit which would perform, or coordinate, tasks related to data analysis and providing information, relevant for research in medicine. The programme of the institute, and its development, have been adjusting thorugh time to changes in financing and technological progress, but the basic aim remain the same: to support research in medicine. This is achieved through the following tasks:


Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana

tel: +386 1 543-77-70
fax: +386 1 543-77-71
email: ibmi (at)