Population tables

The ratetable tutorial

The most annoying part of the relative survival analysis is to put the population tables into the right format.
The relsurv package uses the object ratetable that originates from the survival package. This object can
encompass any country particularity and the relative survival analysis is thus possible regardless of the format in
which your country publishes the rates. However, creating the ratetable object is rather awkward and often
the most difficult part of the relative survival analysis. To help you through the process,
the package offers some functions - a thorough description is given in the tutorial. In short, you can:

  • form objects from your own tables: transrate
  • form objects from tables available on the web: transrate.hld,transrate.hmd
  • join two ratetable objects into one: joinrate

Short tutorial: PDF.

Population tables on the web

  • Human mortality database: HMD

    All countries are available in the same format. Registration needed (free).

  • Human life-table database: HLD

    A wider collection then HMD, but the formats can differ.

  • Population tables in R format on the web site of our Biostatistical centre.

    The tables are obtained from HMD or HLD, not very regularly updated.

About IBMI

Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (IBMI), formerly Institute for BioMedical Informatics (so still IBMI) was founded by the Faculty of Medicine as a result of a need for a unit which would perform, or coordinate, tasks related to data analysis and providing information, relevant for research in medicine. The programme of the institute, and its development, have been adjusting thorugh time to changes in financing and technological progress, but the basic aim remain the same: to support research in medicine. This is achieved through the following tasks:


Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana

tel: +386 1 543-77-70
fax: +386 1 543-77-71
email: ibmi (at) mf.uni-lj.si