Biostatistics at the Medical University of Vienna

Datum dogodka: 
petek, 21. april 2017 - 12:00
Lokacija predavanja: 
sejna soba MF, Vrazov trg 2
Prof Michael Schemper, PhD

How did the current structure for Biostatistics at the Medical University of Vienna evolve over the decades, what have been the driving forces? The historical development is reflected first and then the current situation of Biostatistics is reviewed in the context of the huge Medical University, based on some figures. The areas of methodological research and the teaching load receive attention as well as the consulting activity for clinical researchers and the commitment for the ethics committees. The annual output by Biostatistics is quantified. The talk concludes with three credos for past and future of Biostatistics in medical environments.

Na kratko o IBMI

Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko (IBMI), prej Inštitut za biomedicinsko informatiko (torej tudi IBMI), je Medicinska fakulteta ustanovila leta 1973 kot izraz potrebe po izvajanju in usklajevanju del, vezanih na analizo podatkov in posredovanje informacij. Program dela in razvoja se je skozi čas prilagajal predvsem spremembam pri financiranju in tehnološkemu napredku, vendar so temeljne smernice ostale enake: inštitut se predvsem posveča dejavnostim, ki so pomembne za raziskovalno delo v medicini. Te pa lahko razdelimo na:


Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko
Medicinska fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

tel: (01) 543-77-70
fax: (01) 543-77-71
email: ibmi (at)