Research work and interests

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Explained variation in survival analysis, predictive ability of regression models in survival analysis, frailties, random effects in survival models, relative survival, goodness of fit in linear and logistic regression, bibliometry. Not all of these interests are always alive, the list simply reflects the subjects of my publications.

I am a late comer into statistics, having had other interests and duties in the past. My job forced me to understand some statistics, and I later realized that there is no real understanding without research (and teaching). Doing research where I am was difficult at first, as there was no tradition in this area, and there were no collaborators to discuss or work with. My main goal in the past was to change this, and I can now pride myself in building a small, but competent biostatistical group. See more under biostatistical centre.

Research projects:

Slovenian (always as chief investigator):

  • Methodology for identification, estimation of relative importance, and use of prognostic factors in public health (1992-1994),
  • Methodology for improvement of regression models with censored data (1995-1997)
  • Prediction in survival analysis (1998-2001)
  • Biometry, scientometry, and information retrieval in medicine (head of programme group) (1999-2003)
  • Methodology for data analysis in medicine (head of programme group) (2004-)


  • Statistical aspects of comparative evaluation of the efficacy and toxicity of orally administered phosphorus 32 and intravensously administered strontium 89 in the palliation of painful skeletal metastases for International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1995-1997.
  • Survival Analysis Methods in Outcomes Research, US – Slovenian project, with Frank Harrell, University of Virginia, 1997 – 1999.

See biostatistical centre for more information on our research in biostatistics